October 12, 2023

Gift Boxes: Message Tips

One of our favorite parts about the gift boxes is that we can handwrite a note from the giver to the recipient for that extra special personal touch. As gift givers, it can be difficult to think of what to say when sending a little note, so we’ve put together some ideas for you to use or build off of if you need a little extra inspiration next time you’re crafting a message.


For a Birthday:

Happy Birthday, dear friend! Your friendship means the world! Wish I could be there to celebrate with you. Love you lots!

For a Just Because:

Lots of hugs and delicious delights…I never want you to lose sight of how much you are loved and cherished.

For a Condolence:

We are so very sorry for your loss and are thinking of you constantly. All our love and strength for this truly painful time.

For a Thank you:

Thanks again so much for hosting us this summer! We loved out time with you guys, and hope we can get together again soon!

For a Congratulations:

Congrats on the new job! You’re going to do great on this new adventure!